Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Chapter 6

I thought. At least I'm not crazy. I opened my eyes to look into his midnight blue eyes. He continued, "I wont hurt you. Anytime you want to stop, just tell me." Unable to say anything right away, I reached up to touch his face with my fingertips, my eyes touching on his nose, his lips, even the small pores of his face. I cupped the back of his head, his hair sift beneath my touch and pulled him down so I could kiss him.

I could feel his cock had gotten hard again and I tried to reach for it, but he said, "Wait," and moved over me and settled himself between my legs and took a nipple in his mouth. palming my other breast. After a few minutes he moved down between my legs and ate me, licking and sucking on my clit till I climaxed again. Jon then laid down on his back, pulling me on top, wrapping his arms around me, kissing me. He ran his hands up and down my back as we kissed, then stopping on my hips. He pushed down while lifting his hips, indicating for me to take him inside me. I reached between us and took hold of his cock, rubbing the head back and forth along my pussy before inserting the head inside me.

Capturing his gaze I slowly lowered myself onto him, moving slowly up and down so that my body rubbed against his. My breasts going back and forth against his chest. Jon wrapped his arms around me holding me close, so he could kiss me, as he held my hips still and he did the moving. After a bit Jon rolled us over, so that he was on top. He increased his speed, thrusting faster and harder till we both came. He collapsed next to me, both of us panting and sweating. We were both tired and we fell asleep.

I woke the next morning, alone. Jon was gone. Not sure if I felt good about that or not, I got up. I went out to the door by the garage and saw that all the other boxes had been moved to garage and the garage door had been shut, too. I smiled, thinking that was sweet. Looking out side I saw that it was a beautiful day and decided to go take a swim. I fixed a pitcher of iced tea and took that with me out to the pool.

The sun was warm, the sky was a bright blue. I wondered about that, was that a sign? About Jon and I? What did he think? OH well. I dived into the cool water and let myself glide through the water, letting it soothe my mind and body. After about a half an hour I got out, poured a glass of tea and laid down on a chaise lounge, closing my eyes. The sun was warm on my skin. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, I felt a cold wetness on my nipple. It had puckered so hard that the small pleasure/pain woke me up.

I opened my eyes and there was Jon running an ice cube over my nipples. My bathing suit was gone...easily enough as it was held together by string ties. Jon had straddled the chaise lounge between my legs, facing me, pulling me close with each of my legs over his. My pussy totally open to his gaze. Jon took another ice cube and ran it over my belly before touching it to my clit.

I jumped. Jon tossed the ice cube aside and proceeded to take me to heaven again. He used both hands, first just slowly touching, exploring my pussy. Pulling the lips open, pinching my clit. then he took one hand and inserted a couple of fingers inside me, rubbing at my G spot, and the other hand rubbing my clit, all of this going at the same time. I came. My body feeling like it shattered into a million pieces. Jon pulled me up to straddle his lap, his cock just smoothly entering me. We hugged and kissed while I rode him to orgasm. We sat there holding each other, my head on his shoulder, his cock still inside me.

This man of few words, this strong beautiful man...I wanted him to be in my life. I looked at him and said, "I want you in my life, some how, someway. Whatever that may be."

Jon smiled and said, "I want you in my life, somehow, someway. Whatever that may be."

Together, we took one day at a time.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. I know I did...wink wink.

Your Fantasy Princess, Karen.

Chapter 5

Jon took pity on me and picked me up and carried me to the bed and laid me down. I laid there watching as this God like man removed his clothes, slowly, his eye holding my gaze. I couldn't look away. Finally, he stood before me, almost arrogantly, his cock jutting straight out from his body. Long. Thick. Hard. And by God, the most perfectly formed penis I had ever seen. By the look in his eyes, he knew that, that I would find his cock more than the average man had. For one small second I thought to myself..conceited oaf.

"Finish undressing," he said, watching as I took off my bra and jeans. When I was done, I sat down on the edge of the bed. Jon moved up closer, standing between my legs, his cock even with my mouth. I reached up with my hands and placed them on his hips. I then moved them over his butt cheeks at the same time I took him in my mouth. He was a bit bigger than I was used to, and I was only able to go down on him about three fourths of the way. I was moving my mouth up and down, swirling my tongue around the tip, when I looked up to find him watching me.

His eyes intense. It was an incredibly sensual experience. And the small soft smile on his lips, showing his pleasure, made me feel good I had put one of my hands around the base of his cock, stroking him while I continued to suck on the head. As I increased my speed, I looked up to find his head back, eyes closed, and his hands had moved to hold my head, his fingers entangled in my hair. My speed increased and his hips started to move to my rhythm. Finally, with a grunt, Jon found his release, and with one final push into my mouth, he came. I swallowed and licked him clean.

Jon pulled back and climbed up on the bed, laying down, patting the bed next to him. I moved up to lay down next to him. I on my back, he, on his side. He had placed his leg over me, his thigh across my hips holding me in place. He lightly ran his fingertips up and down my torso, then cupped the side of my face, kissed me and said, "Tina, you are an amazing and sensual woman. I don't find many women willing to do that."

I reveled in his words, but some small part of me felt like I was betraying my husband. A small tear escaped. I had my eyes closed but I could feel him looking at me. The only thing that made this OK, was this incredible connection I felt with this man, like he knew what I was thinking without my saying so. My husband was the only other person I had felt that with. 

And to prove my point, Jon said, "Baby, don't cry. I am sure you are feeling vulnerable right now, like maybe you are being untrue to your husband, but I am sure he didn't mean for you to be celibate. Ever since we shook hands and I felt this spark between us, I knew we would be together. I could feel this pull between us. I was just waiting for you to give me a sign." He had felt it too.

Chapter 4

Reaching the bedroom, I stopped inside the room, with Jon standing behind me. Jon wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight, nuzzling my neck. At the same time, he started moving, swaying back and forth. We were barely moving, just enjoying the feel of each other. The wonderful man was humming something pretty in my ear and slowly massaging my stomach with his hands.

I started to turn around so I could face him and he held me in place, saying, "Not yet." Jon went back to slowly running his hands over my stomach. he then started to gather up the hem of my shirt. "Raise your arms," he whispered, taking off my shirt, as I complied with his request. Jon's hands returned to my waist. He undid the button on my jeans and unzipped them. His right hand made it's way into my panties, running through my pubes, over my mound, and to my pussy. His left arm was holding me across my rib cage under my breasts, my arms crossed over his, hanging on. His fingers circled my clit, but not touching it directly, moving lower to my vagina.

Jon pushed a single finger inside me, feeling my moisture. "Oh, Baby, you are so wet, so hot. Can you feel how much that turns me on," he asked, rubbing his hard cock against my backside. Jon stopped playing with my pussy and placed his palm against my mound, pressed harder against my ass and said, "Say it."

"Yes. Yes. I feel it," I replied barely coherent.

"Good," he said, going back to swirling his finger against my clit, smearing my moisture all over. I moved my hips, no longer able to hold still, trying to come in contact with his finger, wanting to cum so badly. He complied, all be it briefly, by rubbing my clit directly, wetting it, so his finger moved on it smoothly. He touched my clit and my hips bucked, a small scream escaped, as my knees buckled.

He pulled me back up, "Hey, none of that. Come on, honey, stand up," he whispered in my ear, "tense your body, just feel my finger on your clit. Focus on what my finger is doing. Rubbing the sensitive tip. I can feel your clit getting even harder." His words were making me even more turned on. I liked him directing this mini orchestra that was my body, playing it to perfection. "Trust me. Try not to move your hips, but just keep a steady pressure against my finger. That's it. Just feel," he said.

Jon rubbed my clit with a steady pressure, increasing the speed. His words and fingers bringing me to new heights of ecstasy. I was getting close. My body tense, my head back against his shoulder, panting. I could feel my clit actually getting harder, fuller. "That's it, Baby, cum. I want to feel your juices on my hand. Cum baby." Finally, I exploded, coming hard. It felt like my clit split open, turning inside out. His finger still rubbing my clit, the sensation almost hurt. I was trembling now, unable to stand. "That's it baby. I can feel your juices. You are beautiful when you cum. I loved watching you," he said. I felt him remove his hand, as I stood there, head resting on his chest, eyes closed, breathing hard.

He brought his fingers to my lips, wet with my juices and ran them along my lips before inserting one in my mouth. "Suck on my finger. I want you to taste how hot you are for me."

At first I was reluctant. It was not something I was used to, but he was insistent. I could taste myself on his finger. It was strange, but not distasteful, almost a turn on. But I had had enough and turned my head away.

Chapter 3

A lone tear trickled down my face and he caught it with his thumb and wiped it away. "Tina," Jon said, "tell me, what's wrong? Does it have to do with those boxes?"

I shook my head, "MmHmm." Looking at the boxes briefly, then back at Jon, "My husband died about six months ago. This is the first I have been able to deal with his belongings, but it is still hard."

"I'm sorry," Jon said.

"Thank you," I said, walking back through the door to the house and picked up another box. Jon followed and also grabbed a box. I set my box on top of another and turned to Jon, as he set his down, and said, "You know I haven't even thought of men, going out with them, anything. And then you come into my life. You make me feel." I walked up, moving closer to Jon, looking up into his beautiful sapphire blue eyes. God, this man made her want to be with a man again. I could feel this magnetic pull of our souls, like it was OK to do this. "Jon, when you touched me earlier, it was heaven. It felt so good. I've missed that... a man's touch, the feel of his body next to mine, his smell."

At this point, we were standing toe to toe, chest to chest. I searched his eyes, his face, for a reaction or a hint of his feelings. If it was possible his eyes got even darker, looking almost black. I could see his desire, unspoken. Jon reached up with both hands, cupped my face, and kissed me softly. OOOHHH GGGOODDDD! I was dying inside. His lips were so warm and soft. My body was screaming for this man. Jon stopped kissing me and looked at me, a slight rise to his eyebrow, a small smile on his face, like he was reading my thoughts, saying yes, to my unspoken question. I took his hand and lead him back inside the house, thankful he didn't hesitate. I would have been mortified if he had, and I don't think I would have had the nerve to ask again.

Chapter 2

During the next couple of days the two of us had opportunities to talk. This was the first time I had even thought of another man since my husband and he had me feeling like a schoolgirl with her first crush. On the third day from when Jon started painting, I had been going through and boxing up my husband's things and carting them to the garage. Standing there staring at the boxes, an overwhelming sadness came over me. A tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another. Pretty soon I was crying, my arm crossed over my chest. I bent my head, resting my forehead in my other hand.

That's how Jon found me, standing there, tears wetting my face. Lost in my sorrow, I didn't hear him walk up. He touched my shoulder and I jumped. "Oh. Jon. I didn't hear you come up," wiping tears with my hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Jon said softly. "I saw you bringing in the boxes and came to see if you needed help."

I had my back to him, and to keep him from seeing my tears, I bent to pick up a box and stack it on top of another and said, "Thanks, but I'm OK." Something in my voice must not have sounded convincing, because Jon leaned over, and with a hand on my elbow, pulled me up to face him. I kept my face down, staring at the floor. Jon put a hand under my chin and lifted my face. I finally looked up at him. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the feel of his hand on my face. It felt good to feel a man's touch again. I hadn't even thought of another man...until Jon. He made me feel things again.

Chapter 1

My husband had been gone (passed away) six months now, and I had finally decided to make some changes. I wanted to remodel the house. It was just too painful looking at all the reminders and it was just time to move on or at least go back to living life. I had just gotten home from the office, coming through the door, tossing my keys and purse on the entry table.

I made my way to the kitchen, carrying my mail with me. I fixed a glass of ice water, leaned my hip against the counter and flipped through my mail. As always nothing but junk mail. I had just finished tossing the advo's in the trash, when there was a knock on the door. That must be the painter. The contractor had gotten most of the inside work done and now he was sending a painter to do the outside. The only room I hadn't done was the bedroom, because I wanted to go through my husband's stuff first before remodeling the room.

Opening the door, I beheld the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He was wearing a t shirt, jeans and work boots. His clothes looked like they were painted on. He had the face of a God. Tanned. Chiseled. Perfect nose. His eyes, a dark midnight blue. And his smile.....dazzling. I could hear my name being called. It sounded far away, when I realized he was talking to me. The poor man was introducing himself to me.

"My name is Jon. Are you Tina?"

Giving myself a mental shake, I replied, "Yes. Yes, my name is Tina," shaking his outstretched hand. His grip sent tingles up my arm. We discussed what needed to be done and he said he would be back the next day.

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Here is another mini romance novelette. This story is very loosely based on the scene from Moonlight and Valentino, where Jon and Elizabeth Perkins characters go upstairs. Imagine if you will, what may have happened after they went upstairs, or at least this is what I thought might have happened.